Please review the following eligibility requirements to be sure that both your Organization and your Project meet the criteria for a grant from Impact100 Westchester.
Eligibility Criteria – Organization must:
Be a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization operating or proposing to operate programs for the benefit of Westchester residents and communities
Be in operation for at least 36 months prior to applying for this grant
- Maintain 2 years of CPA audited, or reviewed, financial statements (as required by NYS)
- New this cycle! have total revenue between $250,000 and $30,000,000, excluding Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements
- New this cycle for previous Impact100 Westchester Transformational Project Grant recipients only: have completed the Transformational Project, received 100% of the Grant funds and submitted all required reporting
- Not be a Town or Village
Eligibility Criteria – Project must:
- Serve residents of Westchester
- Expend funds in Westchester
- Be a new program, the expansion of an existing program or a capital project
Be transformational for the organization and/or those it serves
Expend Grant funds within 18 months of the initial Grant installment
Not have allocated core operating expenses in excess of 30% of the Transformational Project Grant amount*
Impact100 Westchester will not fund Transformational Project Grants for the following:
- Activities that are: partisan, religion-based, annual or political appeals, or in support of any political party
- Loans or debt reduction, interim/bridge financing
- Operating Funds
- Endowments
- Research
- Projects benefiting a for-profit organization, private foundation or individual
- General capital campaigns or fund drives
Please ensure that none of the activities in your proposed project incorporate these items. This includes all application descriptions and your Project Budget Worksheet.
Consult the FAQ page for additional guidance.
* The Transformational Project Grant amount will depend on the number of members in any particular grant cycle and will be announced in mid-January. Operating expenses allocated to a project (referred to as “Core Operating Expenses”) must not exceed 30% of the Transformational Project Grant amount. For this purpose, we consider Core Operating Expenses to include: administration, salaries, maintenance, repairs and other essential expenses as defined by the specific nonprofit.