Membership FAQs

Who are Members of Impact100 Westchester?

Impact100 Westchester is open to all women age 18 or older.  Memberships are renewed annually. We pool members’ individual resources to make large collective donations to applicant nonprofit organizations serving Westchester County. The aggregation of member dollars creates a rare opportunity for nonprofit applicants and allows members to have a significant, positive impact in the county.

Is my donation to Impact100 Westchester tax-deductible?
Impact100 Westchester is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax-deductible, to the extent of the law, for the year in which the donation was made. 
What is required of a Member?

Members are required to donate $1,150 to join.  $1,000 of this amount goes into the Grant Fund to be awarded to grant recipients. $150 goes into the Operating Fund to help cover essential operating and administrative costs.  Each member is entitled to one vote, in person at the Annual Meeting or by absentee ballot. 

I would like to contribute more than $1,150.  Do I get more than one vote? 

No. Our founding principle is “one woman… one vote.”  Additional donations are welcome; however, your entitlement to vote remains the same.

My company or my spouse’s company matches funds for charitable donations. Can I give $550 and have the company match it to make my total $1,150 donation?

No, matching gifts are most certainly welcome but may not be used to fund your own membership donation. Matching gift funds are generally used to cover operating costs; however, they may be designated to fund a gifted membership.

Can I be a part of Impact100 Westchester without making the full $1,150 contribution? 

You can become a Friend of Impact100 Westchester and play a very important role in our organization. All Friend donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law and will be allocated toward our operating expenses. We welcome donations from individuals and local businesses to offset administrative costs. Although they do not provide voting rights to the contributor, these donations help ensure that we have sufficient funding for our operations.

What does the $150 operating cost cover?

$150 covers costs such as:  Member events, training, Annual Meeting, nonprofit information sessions, member events and training, technology, payment processing, printing, supplies, insurance, Independent Accounting Review, Member Scholarships.

Can I join more than one committee?

Absolutely!  Impact100 Westchester is an all volunteer organization, run by its members.  All members are encouraged, but not required, to serve on one or more committees.   Committee activities include:

  • reviewing Grant Applications
  • reviewing financials of applicant nonprofit organizations
  • participating in Site Visits
  • planning member and education events
  • recruiting new members
  • participating in community service activities, cultivating relationships and communicating with the non-profit organizations
  • providing technology support
  • creating internal and external communications

If I am a grant writer, nonprofit employee or nonprofit consultant can I be an Impact100 member and participate on committees?

You may be an Impact100 member and you may attend the finalist Virtual Site Visits that are open to all members. 

However, if you are writing a grant for or working with any nonprofits during a given grant cycle, for that cycle, you may not participate on any Grant Review committee (Transformational Project and Core Mission) or Finance committee, nor may you attend any initial Virtual Site Visits open only to Grant Review committee members.

Not receiving emails from Impact100 Westchester? 

Emails automatically screened by Spam or Junk filters might interfere with your ability to receive emails from us. To minimize this problem, add and to your safe sender and domain list.

    Copyright 2025.  Impact100 Westchester, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  EIN 46-1103703.  PO Box 634, Hartsdale, NY 10530-0634

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